Mark 16:15
Go ye into all the world,and preach the gospel to every creature.

Mission Statement


“Lord here I am, send me, I will go. Going into all the world is a large scale operation that takes ones whole life to accomplish. I have made that commitment to obey God.

Through television, radio, literature, and every available resource we can reach the lost and hurting with the message of Christ.Wither the method be a ball field, tent, building, auditorium, or park, wherever services are held, we will worship God.

The true church ( which IS the body of Christ) will worship the Lord in Spirit and in truth.
Our mission is to reach the LOST with the message of Christ. Turning them from darkness to light, from sin, to salvation.

The top priority is “WIN THE LOST AT ANY COST”. Reaching the poor, afflicted people. Teaching and instructing them to live a sanctified life through a complete surrender to Christ.

THE  purpose and plan of this ministry is to reach the heart of the people. To Minister to them, and believe God with them for their prayers to be answered. To go into the entire world teaching and preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ, believing God to confirm his word with demonstration and power.
To build the believers faith through the word of God, to establish the kingdom of God in every village, town, and country, and into the nations of the world through radio and television.

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It is conversion, and transformation.
Being born-again through repentance and the work of the Holy Spirit.

JESUS CHRIST  Pardons the repentant sinner and sets the captive free!

David Johnson will be your host in churches, auditoriums, and under the big Gospel tent, or  open air meetings in parks.
I hear anointed Music in the air!

Evangelists are receiving the call to preach the glorious gospel of Jesus Christ.